Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blog 19

I found it interesting that religion, global modernity, feminism and government were all talked about in this chapter. Although it seems they have nothing to do with one another, they have everything to do with one another. The problem is where to start. My theory is that because religions have set rules and guidelines followers are expected to abide by, they are taken seriously. However, what about religious freedom? It seems that for the most part, California has that down. That is why a secular government has been so attainable. In other nations however, religion is an essential part of everyone's life. It even becomes essential to many policy maker's lives. This can lead to policy makers establishing rules and regulations in correspondence with religious beliefs. However, the problem with this is that there may be some individuals that do not practice the same religion or are atheist. In the eyes of many, religious texts should be taken seriously however, we must keep in mind that religious texts may be ambiguous and can be interpreted differently by many. In relation to feminism, religious texts and many religious rules are patriarchal. This is why a secular government is important and needed.

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