Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blog 9

I find it admirable that the sisters who formed the SND 
congregation had revolutionary hearts and fought for what they wanted and believed in. It is also interesting to see just how much the family household dynamics can affect the children living in that household. For example, Francoise’s father was an "englightened" man who taught good moral values. As a result, Francoise became a women of action and acquired the confidence to do so. Her confidence in her own voice shows when for example, she stated the food given was "Good for dogs and chickens, but not for Sisters of Notre Dame, who are tired and need to be well nourished” (McCarthy 99). Further, the fact that her parents did not force her to marry made a big difference in recognizing her freedom and enjoying it. Also, she found the importance in being humble and respectful, just like her dad. Even when she was "living large" she did not let material things change the person she was inside. I feel that although all these great role models who do great things should be honored, in many cases people forget to honor and applaud the parents who raised such an inspiring child. 

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