Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog 5

It was interesting to learn that the women who had served as priests, shamans or ritual specialists no longer could have a role in the Catholic church. Since early Christianity rooted from European males with authority it only makes sense that they would make efforts to exclude women. Further, Christianity's destructive aspect is seen in Mexico when tolerance for any other religion was seen as idolatry. As a result, the bishop of Mexico destroyed 500 pagan shrines and 20,000 idols. It is also seen in the Andean region when religious images and ritual object were destroyed. What is most appalling however, is the fact that they went as far as publicly urinating on native "idols". It is difficult to tolerate that these people believed God supported these actions. Further, once the Empire supported the church, it was easier for Christianity to expand. The strategies used to execute the expansion of Christianity was also followed by gruesome and unjust actions. For example, the genocide of many Native Americans and the conversion of that took place in Spanish American.
In other words, it is difficult to recognize the purity of Christianity when it has had such a bad reputation. Although the church has become more virtuous throughout the years, it is still difficult to abide and support a religion with a history of such corruption.

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